Thinking Really Natural
Simple, common sense solutions to help our pets reach their fighting weight!
Over 70% of pets have oral disease by age 3, but oral disease prevention starts at home. Petsmile Toothpaste's "swipe on" formula is fast & easy to use - NO toothbrush necessary. And cats, dogs, kittens & puppies LOVE the yummy, natural, London Beef Broil & Rotisserie Chicken flavors...that can be used by humans too!
Diabetes is a serious, irreversible condition for which there is no cure. It affects people and pets. In general, dogs are more likely to develop Type 1 Diabetes, while cats more often develop Type 2. The aim is to balance food intake with insulin (or oral medications) and exercise to achieve netter blood sugar control.
Fiber is the roughage found in natural foods and can help improve the health of both pets AND people. Benefits include a feeling fullness, improved blood sugar regulation, reduced cholesterol, digestive improvement - and much more.
Maintaining our pet's weight throughout their life prevents disease AND improves their quality of life. Small steps in diet, exercise, mental stimulation - and smart snacking - can add up over time.